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Thursday, February 27th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from YEG." - Chris Myden

Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - $585 to $669 CAD roundtrip including taxes | add Tokyo, Japan for free

The Mekong Delta near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

United and All Nippon Airways have dropped the price of their flights from Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam down to between $585 and $624 CAD roundtrip including taxes.

This on it's own is a new record for the cheapest flights between Edmonton and Ho Chi Minh City.

BUT, it's also possible to throw Tokyo, Japan into the mix for free! Yes, it's possible to visit both Japan AND Vietnam on the same trip from Edmonton for under $599 CAD roundtrip including taxes!

Availability for travel

February and March 2017

How to find and book this deal

1, Start with a Google Flights search like this one...

Google Flights search: Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Click on the departure date box to open up the calendar view and try other date combinations.

2. Go to Momondo.ca and search for a flight from Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (SGN).

Use the same dates as you found with Google Flights.

NOTE: There are some things to watch out for with this deal...

- Some flight options near the top of the results may have really long travel durations (they have overnight layovers in Tokyo). If you scroll down a bit, you should see flight options with more reasonable travel durations of 24-25 hours.

- When you get to Momondo you may want to adjust the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left, and set it to around 55 hours. This is the total travel duration for both directions. Using this filter will eliminate the flights that have the overnight layovers in Tokyo.

3. Click through from Momondo to whichever site is showing the cheapest price.

In some cases the price may not verify properly when you get to the booking site. Here are some example date combinations that I've seen verify properly...

Jan 30 to Feb 15
Feb 1 to Mar 1
Feb 9 to Mar 4
Feb 13 to Mar 1
Feb 13 to Mar 4
Feb 14 to Mar 4
Feb 15 to Mar 8
Feb 17 to Mar 3
Feb 19 to Mar 8
Feb 20 to Mar 8
Feb 21 to Mar 8
Feb 26 to Mar 16
Feb 27 to Mar 15
Feb 28 to Mar 15

screenshot from Momondo.ca

Add Tokyo, Japan for free!

It's also possible to throw Tokyo, Japan into the mix and have the price work out to be the same. In some cases, it's actually even a little cheaper, and the flight travel times work out to be better.

Yes, it's possible to visit both Japan AND Vietnam on the same trip from Edmonton for under $599 CAD roundtrip including taxes!

1. Go to Momondo.ca

2. Change the 'Trip Type' from Roundtrip to Multiple Destinations

3. Search for a trip like this...

Edmonton (YEG) to Tokyo (TYO)
Tokyo (TYO) to Ho Chi Minh (SGN)
Ho Chi Minh (SGN to Edmonton (YEG)

When you get to Momondo you may want to adjust the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left, and set it to around 55 hours. This is the total travel duration for both directions.

4. Click through from Momondo.ca to the booking site showing the cheap price.

I've had luck with clicking through from Momondo to Flight Network and having the price verify properly.

4. Here are some example date combinations that I've seen verify when clicking through from Momondo to the booking site involved...

Jan 30 to Feb 2 to Feb 15 - $618
Jan 31 to Feb 2 to Feb 15 - $618
Feb 13 to Feb 16 to Mar 1 - $594
Feb 19 to Feb 23 to Mar 8 - $694
Feb 20 to Feb 23 to Mar 8 - $594
Feb 21 to Feb 23 to Mar 8 - $594
Feb 21 to Feb 25 to Mar 8 - $694
Feb 27 to Mar 2 to Mar 15 - $618
Feb 28 to Mar 2 to Mar 15 - $618

screenshot from Flight Network

Flight Network promo code

You can bring the price down another $10 CAD once you get to Flight Network by using the promo code: 3P10OFF321

You'll find the spot to enter the promo code on the passenger details page (after you've selected the flight). It can be difficult to find.

Here's a screenshot of where to enter it: (look near the bottom)

Update 1/3 - A lot of April and May flights from Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (SGN) can currently be found for $625 to $650 CAD roundtrip including taxes. Occasionally there are even flights in the high $500s.

1. Try a Google Flights search like this one...

Google Flights: Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Click on the departure date box to open up the calendar view and browse for cheap date combinations in April and May.

2. Go to Momondo.ca and search for a flight from Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (SGN).

Use the same dates as you found with Google Flights.

3. Click through from Momondo.ca to the booking site showing the cheap price.

In some cases the price may not verify properly when you get to the booking site. You may want to try a different booking site, or a slightly different flight, or slightly different dates. So far I've had good success rates with clicking through to Flight Network.

NOTE: There are some things to watch out for with this deal...

- The flights in the $500s CAD roundtrip always have overnight layovers in Tokyo and/or airport changes in Tokyo. The flights in the low to mid $600s can be the better deal.

- Some flight options near the top of the results may have really long travel durations (they have overnight layovers in Tokyo). If you scroll down a bit, you should see flight options with more reasonable travel durations of 24-25 hours.

- When you get to Momondo you may want to adjust the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left, and set it to around 55 hours. This is the total travel duration for both directions. Using this filter will eliminate the flights that have the overnight layovers in Tokyo.

screenshot from Momondo.ca

There's a few dates in May where you may be able to extend the stay in Tokyo, Japan and have it work out to a similar price.

Note that airport changes in Tokyo may still be required.

1. Go to Momondo.ca

2. Change the 'Trip Type' from Roundtrip to Multiple Destinations

3. Search for a trip like this...

Edmonton (YEG) to Tokyo (TYO)
Tokyo (TYO) to Ho Chi Minh (SGN)
Ho Chi Minh (SGN to Edmonton (YEG)

Try this date combination:

May 2 to May 4 to May 17 - $602

When you get to Momondo you may want to adjust the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left, and set it to around 55 hours. This is the total travel duration for both directions.

4. Click through from Momondo.ca to the booking site showing the cheap price.

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5 Responses to "Edmonton to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - $585 to $669 CAD roundtrip including taxes | add Tokyo, Japan for free"

    Has Tracy been here?
       Tracy on August 11th, 2016

    Chris, most of the deals you find redirect us to Flight Network.
    Is this 3 party site reliable to deal with ? Please advise

    Has Danielle been here?
       Danielle on August 11th, 2016

    Is it possible to leave Edmonton on March 11 or later, returning around 2 weeks or so later?

    Has Danielle Vallich been here?
       Danielle Vallich on August 11th, 2016

    ...or actually March 4 or later? Thank you!

    Has Damian  been here?
       Damian on August 11th, 2016

    Tracy - Flight Network is a licensed travel agent in Ontario, so there should be no issues with them. Bookings made with licensed travel agents are backed up by the industry association, so if your travel agent goes bankrupt before it pays the airline for your booking (for example), you're covered.

    Has Chris_Myden been here?
       Chris_Myden on August 11th, 2016

    Tracy: Flight Network is one of the largest Canadian owned booking sites. I almost always hear positive things about their service, which can't be said for all booking sites.

    I currently have them ranked #6 in the Booking Site Power Rankings (if you click on 'Articles' at the top of the website, you can find the rankings and reviews).

Comments are automatically closed 30 days after the post is made.

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